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Keep Your Plumbing Healthy: Avoid Celebrating World Senior Citizens Day

Every August 21st we celebrate World Senior Citizens Day. This day was created to celebrate the amazing wealth of information that our senior citizens possess, and to honor them in special ways. However, one thing that you don’t want to celebrate getting older is your home’s plumbing system.

Here in Evansville, there are many old and historic homes, and it’s important to not let old plumbing be the downfall of an otherwise beautiful house. Read on to get helpful tips for keeping your plumbing healthy, so you and your family can enjoy it for years and years to come!

Don’t Let Old Plumbing Ruin Your Water Pressure

waterpressureThere are many reasons that the water pressure in your home may be lower. Debris and accumulated mineral deposits commonly found in the water in Indiana can add to it, which is a problem most commonly found with old plumbing systems.

Another way that old plumbing can destroy your water pressure is by corrosion of the pipes. Once the protective zinc coating corrodes, water pressure can start to take a dive as the associated sediment builds up and ultimately restricts the plumbing lines.

In the worst-case scenarios, those deposits can cause the water pressure to stop entirely and the pipes can actually burst and cause massive damage to your home. The only way to stop this from happening is to replace your pipes before this build-up happens and keep up with all your routine plumbing services like drain cleaning.

Old Plumbing Can Cause Health Issues

When your plumbing starts to get old, there are also many health issues that can start to present themselves. Old plumbing can be the cause of many different potential health hazards, including lead poisoning (which is especially dangerous in children). If your pipes are getting older and you or your family are noticing any of the following signs:

  • healthissuesAbdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Reduced cognition
  • General discomfort

Please seek medical attention immediately. After you finish with the doctor, contact our plumbers here in Evansville to help you make the switch to newer, safer plumbing in your home.

The Dreaded Clog

constantclogsEvery plumbing system experiences a clog every now and again. However, with old plumbing, those clogs will continue to become more and more frequent until ultimately becoming an uncloggable, more expensive problem.

The longer that your plumbing system is in your home, the more likely that these types of frequent clogs will take a financial toll. Even the simple build-up left behind from everyday products like soaps can add up over time.

The best-maintained pipes, even with impeccable care and service, were not meant to last more than half a century. Even though they are an important part of our daily lives, pipes do not age the same as a fine wine or our beloved senior citizens.

If you’re experiencing any problems with your old plumbing, please give our office a call at (812) 618-9638. We can help you figure out the age of your pipes and work with you to find a solution, like repiping services, before you find yourself in a worse situation. Your home is worth it!